Monday, August 15, 2016

Living With And Treating Migraine Headaches

Stress leads the list of all psychological triggers for migraine headaches and may be the most common migraine trigger of all. Understanding stress and how it effects your life could help you cope better with migraines.

Think of specific things you can add to or take away from your daily routine to reduce stress and help avoid migraine headache pain. Keep a note of the results and discuss them with your doctor.

Get enough rest. One of the best ways to do this is set regular bedtime and waking up times each day so that your body clock regulates itself. It may take 2 to 3 weeks for your body to adapt to this new routine, so it is important to set times and stick with them. Gradually, as your body begins to get used to these times your stress levels should reduce along with the frequency of migraine headaches.

Find an exercise you enjoy and stick with it. Exercise not only fortifies your body, but helps with "resting" your mind. You tend to forget all your worries when exercising. Try mild aerobic exercise such as brisk walking, for 20 to 30 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week.

Eat sensibly and have regular meals. Eat foods that are migraine trigger-free for you. Cut down on processed and overly sugary items. To avoid temptation, don't have them in the house. Keep in mind that processed and sugary foods are not good for your body and can actually increase stress levels.Headaches can be caused by ordinary foods that most of us eat every day. But cutting out common food triggers from your diet does not mean that you have to sacrifice tasty meals.

When it comes to migraines, decaffeinated coffee, fruit juice and sparkling water are better choices for beverages than caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. If you choose to have an alcoholic drink, stick with single measures and alternate an alcoholic drink with water.

Dairy products can also be common triggers for migraines. Try reducing or cutting out dairy items from your diet for a month to see if this makes a difference to your migraines.

Meats such as corned beef, hot dogs and pickled herring are "cured meats," and contain an ingredient called sodium nitrate, which can trigger a headache. Instead, consider poultry or freshly purchased and prepared meats.

Identify areas of stress in your life and begin working to improve them. Share your problems, concerns, and thoughts with others. Don't keep them to yourself. Sharing a problem can provide almost instant relief and you may find that others have constructive suggestions for solving issues. Also, have the courage to say "no" to people who place unwanted demands on your time.

Learn how to relax. If you sit down to rest, do not immediately pick up the phone, read a magazine or turn on the TV. Try out relaxation tapes to help you unwind and relax. You'll find them at most music or bookstores. You can also search the Internet for tapes specifically designed to help prevent migraine headaches.

If you are suffering with Migraines, you should first consult your primary care physician before taking other steps.Integrated Pain Management are your pain management specialist when it comes to pain treatments and alternative methods for headaches and migraines.

Visit Integrated Pain Management Lincoln Square Office


Way of life Modification for Natural Migraine Prevention

Migraine headache patients are resorting to non-pharmacological options to reduce the number of migraines they have. Preventative medications targeted at migraine headache avoidance could have several undesirable side effects and do not function whatsoever for some migraineurs (people who have chronic migraine headaches).

A migraineur's lifestyle affects the intensity and also regularity of the attacks and lifestyle adjustments, like those stated below can protect against migraine reappearance.

Rest: Migraineurs should learn how much rest they looking for and ensure they do not get too little sleep or way too much greater than they require. People who do not get enough rest during the workweek who try to offset it over the weekend could set off a migraine. 

Exercise: Physical exertion in small amounts benefits every person, consisting of migraineurs. Establishing a regular exercise program, at least 20-40 mins of physical activity a minimum of three times a week, relieves anxiety that triggers migraines as well as exercise-induced endorphins are a natural analgesic.

Anxiety Administration: Migraineurs are susceptible to attacks throughout periods of high anxiety. If stress is unavoidable, they should construct time for stress relief right into their routine to prevent a migraine. Good tension administration techniques for migraineurs are massage therapy, workout, adequate sleep as well as a healthy diet.

Eating: Migraineurs must eat normal dishes at approximately the very same time everyday and also not miss a dish unless it is an emergency situation. An excellent, healthy and balanced morning meal goes a long way in preventing migraines. One of the most essential point is to be constant with any type of way of life change.

Migraineurs looking for routine actions patterns and also they have to be used on weekends and vacations, not simply throughout the week. Leaving sync two days a week by sleeping in, avoiding meals, or staying up late defeats the objective of lifestyle modifications and upsets the equilibrium created by having a pattern the rest of the week.

Visit Integrated Pain Management Lincoln Park